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  • Trade Union (TU) facility time data for the period 2017/18

    Last updated: 1 year ago


    Org: Birmingham City Council

    This data contains details of Trade Union Facility time for the period 2017-2018, and covers reporting requirements for the Transparency Code and the Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017. A) This provides details of the total number of employees who are TU reps by headcount & FTE; the number of TU reps who spend 50% and above on TU duties; a basic estimate of spending on unions (calculated as the number of full time equivalent days spent on union duties multiplied by the average salary) and a basic estimate of spending on unions as a percentage of the total pay bill (calculated as the number of full time equivalent days spent on union duties multiplied by the average salary divided by the total pay bill). B) This provides details of the number of employees who were relevant union officials during the relevant period, and their FTE; the percentage of time spent on facility time; the percentage of total pay bill spent on Facility time and time spent on paid trade union activities as percentage of total paid facility time hours. This is provided for Central and Education function employees.

  • Publication of Payment Performance Statistics 2018/19

    Last updated: 5 years ago


    Org: Birmingham City Council

    At Birmingham we are committed to making our finances clear. As part of our commitment to providing financial transparency, the authority shall publish for the preceding financial year the percentage of payment of undisputed invoices within 30 days, the total amount of any liability (whether statutory or otherwise) to pay interest which accrued by virtue of circumstances amounting to a breach of those obligations and the total amount of interest actually paid in discharge of any such liability. If you require further information regarding this data, please contact infogovernance@birmingham.gov.uk setting out the details of the request. Such request will be handled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, and the Council aims to be able to provide a response to your query within 20 working days.

  • August 2018 Purchase Card Payments

    Last updated: 6 years ago


    Org: Birmingham City Council

    Under the Code of Recommended Practice for Local Authorities on Data Transparency, councils are encouraged to publish all corporate purchase card transactions. We already publish details of all our relevant expenditure of more than £500 within our Payments to Suppliers page, and will continue to do so. However, in the spirit of the Code, the Council started publishing all purchase card transactions, regardless of value, from the April 2014 card statement. The information will be published monthly. As with our payments to suppliers, we aim to be as transparent as we can, but in some cases we will need to respect information that could be seen as commercially sensitive or where the payment relates to vulnerable young people or adults. In these cases information is withheld as it is personal data. For further information about personal data, please see birmingham.gov.uk/foi. If you require further information about any of the payments, please contact foi.mailbox@birmingham.gov.uk setting out the details of the payment and what additional information you require. Such request will be handled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, and the Council aims to be able to provide a response to your query within 20 working days.

  • July 2018 Purchase Card Payments

    Last updated: 6 years ago


    Org: Birmingham City Council

    Under the Code of Recommended Practice for Local Authorities on Data Transparency, councils are encouraged to publish all corporate purchase card transactions. We already publish details of all our relevant expenditure of more than £500 within our Payments to Suppliers page, and will continue to do so. However, in the spirit of the Code, the Council started publishing all purchase card transactions, regardless of value, from the April 2014 card statement. The information will be published monthly. As with our payments to suppliers, we aim to be as transparent as we can, but in some cases we will need to respect information that could be seen as commercially sensitive or where the payment relates to vulnerable young people or adults. In these cases information is withheld as it is personal data. For further information about personal data, please see birmingham.gov.uk/foi. If you require further information about any of the payments, please contact foi.mailbox@birmingham.gov.uk setting out the details of the payment and what additional information you require. Such request will be handled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, and the Council aims to be able to provide a response to your query within 20 working days.

  • June 2018 Purchase Card Payments

    Last updated: 6 years ago


    Org: Birmingham City Council

    Under the Code of Recommended Practice for Local Authorities on Data Transparency, councils are encouraged to publish all corporate purchase card transactions. We already publish details of all our relevant expenditure of more than £500 within our Payments to Suppliers page, and will continue to do so. However, in the spirit of the Code, the Council started publishing all purchase card transactions, regardless of value, from the April 2014 card statement. The information will be published monthly. As with our payments to suppliers, we aim to be as transparent as we can, but in some cases we will need to respect information that could be seen as commercially sensitive or where the payment relates to vulnerable young people or adults. In these cases information is withheld as it is personal data. For further information about personal data, please see birmingham.gov.uk/foi. If you require further information about any of the payments, please contact foi.mailbox@birmingham.gov.uk setting out the details of the payment and what additional information you require. Such request will be handled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, and the Council aims to be able to provide a response to your query within 20 working days.