icon8 November 2022

Working towards our data charter


Here at the city Observatory we are working with our own teams within Birmingham City Council and partners to come up with a data charter. A set of principles by which we, and all of our curious collaborators work to.


While this is very much a work in progress we thought we would share with you some of the core beliefs we will be working towards. Our aim for the charter is to aim to work alongside the OpenDataCharter.net which our own government is commited to supporting.


As part of our charter we aim to:

* Encourage citizens, civil society and private sector organizations, and multilateral institutions to open up data created and collected by them in order to move toward a richer open data ecosystem with multiple sources of open data.

* Create or explore potential partnerships between governments and with civil society and private sector organizations and multilateral institutions to support the release of open data and maximize the impact of data through effective use.

* Create or support programs and initiatives that foster the development or co-creation of datasets, visualizations, applications, and other tools based on open data.

* Conduct or support research on the social and economic impacts of open data.

* Build capacity and share technical expertise and experience with other governments and international organizations around the world, ensuring that everyone can reap the benefits of open data.

* Empower a future generation of data innovators inside and outside government by building capacity and encouraging developers, entrepreneurs, civil society and private sector organizations, academics, media representatives, government employees, and other users to unlock the value of open data.


The Data Charter work is being led by the Birmingham Digital Partnership as part of the Digital City Roadmap.


What would you like to see in our data charter? How can we ensure that our work can help you be more curious. Reach out to see how we can help.


Author: Danny O'Neill and Raj Mack